Monthly Archives: October 2023

The Mystery Box

At the start of each week for oral language, students are bringing an item for ‘The Mystery Box’. The class then has to guess what’s inside using only ‘yes or no’ questions.

Well done Madison!
It took the class 62 questions for room 5 to guess Madison’s item.

Inside the box were her special footprintsMadison shared with joy and enthusiasm- tino pai!

Keep an eye out whānau for an email when it’s your child’s turn for the mystery box.

Ngā mihi,

Helena Pownall

Weekly Update

Kia ora,

Below are some highlights from the past weeks.
Anisia and Nela shared their awesome adventures with Mr Cheeky. He had fun enjoying a hot chocolate with Nela and at birthday parties with Anisia!

We continued our work on life cycles! The children have created detailed diagrams of the chicken life cycle! It was awesome to have a real-life chicken at school and baby ducks to grow our understanding of their life cycle.

Well done to Ruby, Honor, River, Zeta and Nela for your awesome effort reading at our junior school mass- Tino pai!

Enjoy the weekend,

Week 1 -Term 4

Another exciting term has begun!
Room 5 has continued their learning about the zones of regulation. They used iPads and the app ‘Explain Everything’ to show their emotions in the different zones- check them out!

Today we couldn’t believe when we found out something had fallen out of the sky into the domain- Room 5 rushed out to find out what it was!

They discovered a letter from an alien called Alan! The team worked hard and was extra motivated to write letters to respond to Alan. They had lots of interesting questions about his planet!

The class learned all about the structure of how to write a letter and we can’t wait to send it off to Alan’s spaceship soon!

Brighton also shared about her exciting adventures with Mr Cheeky over the holidays. How lucky he was to go and get some ice cream!

The Mystery Box

At the start of each week for oral language, students are bringing an item for ‘The Mystery Box’. The class then has to guess what’s inside using only ‘yes or no’ questions.

Well done Thomas!
It took the class 58 questions for room 5 to guess Thomas’s item.

Inside the box was his Simon toyThe class loved passing this around the circle and having a turn.

Keep an eye out whānau for an email when it’s your child’s turn for the mystery box.

Ngā mihi,

Helena Pownall

Week 10 -Term 3

Kia ora,

Another wonderful term in Room 5 comes to a close. Here is a snapshot of what we got up to:

Chelsy shared her adventures with Mr Cheeky he enjoyed the banana cake and thought it was so tasty!

Room 5 are taking more responsibility- having turns to lead the class prayers. It has been wonderful to see everyone having a go!

Congratulations to Ioka Chase and Thomas who received this week’s Duffy book- tino pai for your hard work!